You Asked Me To Describe It So I Did
shesaid iwantyou todescribe it/ describe
isaid/ isaid/ youcannotdescribe it/its/ morethanjust/ a clenched
isaid/ itfeelslike autopilot/racing/ butalways2slow/ itshouldbe/
adream/ but/ iamnothatlucky/ youarelucky/ shesaid/
lucky2bealive/ isaid/ thatisnotlucky/ isaid/
thereisafamilyofmiceinmylungs/ theyaretramplingonmychest/ &icantbreathe/
shesaid/ iwantyoutodescribeit/ again/ isaid/
itfeelslike/ speedingdownonewaystreets/ nodirection/ nostoplights/ and/ &/
andthecarsdonthavebrakes/doesnothavebrakes/imeanmyheartdoesnthavebreaks/imeanicantbreathe/icantsee/ yousaiditwouldgetbetter/whyisthereafistinmythroat/whyaretheremiceinmylungs/whatdotheywant/whatdothemicewant/
fromme/whatdoeseveryonewant/whatdoeseveryonewantfromme/doctor/ doctor/icanfeelit/ icanfeelhowimgoingtofailyou/howimgoingtofail/howiamgoingtobreak/going2crash/allflame/norebirth/
howdoyoumanageachokingthroat/ doctor/
whydoifeelthisway/ recovery/
shesaid/ sucks/
andthen/ itgetsbetter/
butnotyet/ now/ itisjust/ ahighway/acrookedinterstate/
thatwouldgivemeanxiety/ isaid/
shesaid/ iknow/
Joanna Gordon
is a spoken word poet from the gentrified swamp lands of Hawaii Kai. She graduated from the University of Hawaii at Manoa with a degree in English and will pursue a Master of Fine Arts in poetry at Western Washington this upcoming fall. Gordon is interested in topics of white privilege, mental illness, and feminism. She enjoys work that tells stories that are deeply honest and visceral.